As we celebrate Memorial Day in this beloved country, I remember with great pride my mother and father's journey to Vietnam in 1967 during the height of that conflict. My father, Richard Tucker, was among many artists who entertained our troops.
My high school classmate, retired Army Colonel Arnie Daxe, recently sent me the following email which expressed his experience and gratitude for my parents' visit. In this spirit, I would like to share his recollections to every soldier who has sacrificed so much to protect our country.
“Sitting here watching the PBS salute concert to Memorial Day, couldn’t help but return to my Vietnam days and remember the sacrifice your dad made in traveling to Vietnam at the height of the war. I won’t forget him or others who made the ultimate sacrifice. I will always remember his kindness and sincerity. In my whole year in the war zone, he was the first and only person I spoke to from my home town in 12 months! He made my day, week, month, and year more bearable. I salute him. 🇺🇸❤. I’ll be at Arlington National Cemetery in two weeks laying my wife, Lorraine, amongst all those heroes. Peace U.S.” Arnie
Additionally, I think all Americans can find comfort by listening to my father's rendition of "The Lord's Prayer."